Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tips To Get Over That Bad Mood Of Yours

Tips To Get Over That Bad Mood Of Yours

Tips To Get Over That Bad Mood Of Yours

Tips To Get Over That Bad Mood Of Yours

Admit it, we all get mood swings the reasons for which would never be understood. However, staying in a bad mood for too long would only make it worse.

We give you some nice tips following which you can uplift your mood and get out of those terrible mood swings.

1. Take some nice smell in. It can either be the smell of wet mud, freshly baked cookies, noodles, or even colored pens. These nice smells would send positive signals to your brain, helping you boost up your mood.

2. Try to smile. I know that its hard when your mood isnt right, but smiling without any reason can actually help you improve your mood. 

3. Eat a chocolate. Believe it or not but cocoa carries stimulants that help you calm down and take it easy, a must when you are in a bad mood.

4. Take a pen and a paper, set a timer for 5 minutes and start venting it all out. Write everything that seems to annoy you and five minutes later, you would feel lighter and better. Note that this trick is better done with a pen and paper rather than a computer keyboard or mobile keypad.

5. Help someone. Buy a beggar some food, give someone a nice compliment, and listen genuinely to someones problem. When you feel good about yourself, you feel good in all the ways.

These were some easy tricks for you to get over your bad mood, but we are sure that there are many ways to uplift someones mood. Tell us what you do to battle your bad mood in the comments below.

Picture by Thinkstock

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