Sunday, March 19, 2017

Gangnam Style breaks Guinness World Record

Gangnam Style breaks Guinness World Record

Gangnam Style World Record
Gangnam Style breaks an alternate record! On third December, it has set the record of highest viewership on Youtube. With in excess of 2.15 billion views, it broke the view counter on Youtube, as it arrived at the maximum viewership limit!

In a statement on Google Plus, the site conceded that it couldnt handle the video popularity. It further included that their counter did not enroll viewership beyond 32 bit integer, and they needed to upgrade it to a 64 bit integer, simply on the grounds that Gangnam Style arrived at its furthest cutoff of 32 bit integer.

Psys Gangnam Style videos record setting does not stop with Youtube just, it additionally beat Guinness World Record  for the video with maximum likes on Youtube! This video has surpassed the Justin Biebers "Child" as the most prominent video with 806,283,968 views,.

Dan Barrett, Guinness World Records Community Manager, remarks, Having been the "Have you seen this?!" video of the most recent two months over the web, its incredible to have the capacity to recompense a record for this tremendously mainstream video. In years past it was inconceivable that something  would be viewed a hundred million times, and now "Gangnam Style" has achieved more than twice this figure in only 3 months on Youtube, according to organizations blog entry.

As indicated by an alternate report by CBSN, Youtube completed and distributed a correlation between Gangnam Style and Call Me Maybe via Carly Rae Jepsen. The examination demonstrated that Call Me Maybe had 1.5 million views every day while, Gangnam Style had in excess of 6 million views every day, which is a ton!

The Korean pop star Psy has unquestionably inspired its worldwide audience with his mark "Horse Dance" in Gangnam Style!


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